Monday 2 February 2009

Club Shoot 29/1/09 (Appendix 28)

We shot at our second intended location on Thursday 29th January 2009.
We chose to shoot at a friend forthcoming 18th birthday party at El Mono club in Tunbridge Wells. We managed to get all of our intended story boarded shots and were very happy with the end result.
Filming could commence at 10pm that evening as this is when the party started. However for our desired effect, we needed to wait until the club filled up. This took some time as they were only allowing three people to enter at a time, creating an enormous queue and making us wait.
We were able to improvise and take filler shots. Myself as the lead was filmed getting a beer, drinking, aknowledging people and dancing withing a crowd. We got some fantastic crowd shots with the clubs lights adding an awesome ambient feel and constructing an authentic level of verisimilitude.
The money shot had to be the bouncer's exeptionally helpful co-operation and comprehensive acting skills. He agreed to get me (the lead) into an immobilising lock *which they use on a daily basis for unco-oporational customers that must be removed*, removing me from the club, down the stairs and disposing of me from the area via a light shove. This how ever did not go to plan the first time, as Joe was too close to the action and he missed me being thrown out. This worked out very well however as this gave us an opportunity to get a medium long shot of me being pushed to the floor.
The night, all in all was a great success for our shoot. Our friend also had a great birthday.
For now, until we edit. This seems to be our shooting phase finished. There is enough time however to film any more filer shots if we need to.

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