Thursday 15 January 2009

Planning The Shoot (Appendix 25)

We plan to make our first shoot date on the 18th of January 2008. We will be able to film the majority of our video, taking a train up to London and filming 90% of the chase sequences. Do to some unforseen circumstances, my car is currently unavailable so we will have to use a friends car, and film the car shots in and aroud the Tunbridge Wells suburbs.
Over the past few lessons, we have done a prcatice shoot and mocked up a chase scenario in and around school. We have learnt different techniques and seen what works and a team as apposed to what doesnt. We have some serious strengths as a group and we bounce off of each others ideas, adapting and compremising with nearly every shot.
The First Shoot is planned. (This sunday coming) we will keep posted on what happens...

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